941-955-1220 doctorbrenda@me.com

Today, I treated a variety of medical conditions with acupuncutre…an awesome healing tool that never ceases to amaze me. The age range of patients included a twenty year old and an eighty-eight year old. The medical conditions included asthme, severe allergies, parkinson disease, bel palsy, neuropathy, and emphysema. The treatments were relaxing and the majority of patients fell asleep during their sessions. Also, performed ear candling today to remove wax build up for a client….their wife remarked that her “husband could hear much better and that she did not have to yell as loud.”

On a personal note, I am doing my best to continue walking at six in the morning daily to “practice what I preach”. Certainly exercise and movement are a key to continued health. Always feel better after I exercise…not always while I am exercising. Know the feeling?

Wishing all my friends a Happy Turkey Day filled with laughter and relaxation. Dr. Brenda

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