941-955-1220 doctorbrenda@me.com

Many of our lives are awash in contradictions, in our relationships, families, careers, values, and experiences in our universe. “Peace of mind” is easier said than done. We pursue psychotherapy, yoga, tai chi, massage, acupuncture, facial rejuvenation, exercise, and many additional modalities in the name of peace, health, and happiness. Balance is created from our understanding of our daily choices and their effects on the people around us and on ourselves. The power of give and take, the power of “letting go”, the power of allowing ourselves to be wrong and to be right without destroying our own “Brand X” innate healing intuition.
Body balancing is reflected physically, emotionally and spiritually. Try having an argument while balancing on one leg. It is difficult because our energy is working toward not falling over. Our breath is the tool that allows our body to stop and to feel the healing of the oxygen flowing through all our cells. Creating a gateway for acceptance and release of all powers of healing….allowing the universal powers to create healing solutions.  BREATHE…Let it Go…


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