Dr. Brenda Yanofsky, EdD, LAc
Acupuncture Injection
Acupuncture injection is a medical specialty involving the injection of microscopic quantities of homeopathic agents, plant extracts, and vitamins into the skin to treat a variety of conditions. The fields of homeopathy and nutraceuticals have combined their expertise to create protocols for injection therapy.
This is a procedural tool incorporated into the personalized treatment plan for you with your acupuncturist. OSHA regulation is incorporated to protect the patient at all times. A detailed patient history is necessary to determine allergies, sensitivities, and appropriate injection choices for each individual.
Acupuncture points are used for injections at various locations throughout the body. Therefore, different ways of administration result in different speeds, amounts, and intensities of absorption of the herb or vitamin.
Indications for acupuncture injection include the following:
- Autoimmune disorders
- Back injuries
- Bells Palsy
- Headaches
- Musculo-skeletal disorders
- Pain management
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Trigger points
- Vitamin deficiencies
Injection protocols vary from one to twelve treatments depending upon the patient diagnosis. Many times, this solution provides dramatic results when other modalities have failed. The combination of homeopathic injection, herbal supplementation, and acupuncture provide a strong solution to some difficult problems.
The injection solutions are safe, non-toxic, and FDA approved. Consultation with an experienced practitioner with AIT certification is vital to the treatments success.
To learn about how acupuncture can help you and schedule an appointment.
Please call 941-955-1220 or Email: doctorbrenda@me.com
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