Welcome to the Healing Practice of Dr. Brenda Yanofsky, EdD, LAc

Find out more about Dr. Brenda’s diverse background here.
A Personalized Healing Plan for Your Better Health

Dr. Brenda Yanofsky has degrees from University of Massachusetts, Tufts University, Boston University, and the East West College of Natural Medicine. “The integration of mental health and physical health solutions has provided me with a unique set of insights into the human healing process. Drawing from the traditions of both eastern and western medicine, I believe in the power of the body to heal itself and return to a state of well-being, homeostasis. Over 80% of all illnesses and diseases are stress-related and are most likely contributing to your everyday health concerns.”
As an acupuncturist, I view each individual as a dynamic, integrated whole and partner with my patients to create healing and well-being. Health goes beyond the absence of acute or chronic illness. Often, we do not acknowledge our health until it is compromised.
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can help you along the path toward optimal health, integrating the physical, emotional and spiritual. Thirty years of experience providing a partnership between healer and patient creating new solutions to old problems.”
To learn about how acupuncture can help you and schedule an appointment.
Please call 941-955-1220 or Email: doctorbrenda@me.com

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